“Creative and innovative youth engagement in communities for social change.”
BOTA is a youth-led project, which holds culturally diverse and inclusive talent shows* across the Maritimes. It’s about bringing communities together and generating excitement around youth, art, cultural diversity, community engagement and child and youth rights.

The New Brunswick African Association Inc (NBAA), Battle of the Arts NB (BOTA-NB) & Dialogue NB, have partnered to present you with this year’s African Heritage Month 2021 Activities .
This year's theme is “Amplifying Black Voices and Stories.”
This February, you will have the opportunity to engage in discussions about Systemic Racism in NB, and benefit from workshops on Telling our stories.
Join us in Amplifying Black Voices and Stories and celebrate African Heritage Month 2021.
'Associationafricaine du Nouveau-Brunswick Inc (AANB), Battle of the Arts NB (BOTA-NB) & Dialogue NB, se sontassociéscetteannée pour vousprésenter les activités du Mois de l'héritageafricain 2021.
Le thème de cetteannéeest "Amplifier les voix et les histoiresnoires" .
Enfévrier prochain, vousaurezl'occasiond'engager des discussions sur le racismesystémique au Nouveau-Brunswick et de bénéficierd'ateliers sur le thème "Raconternoshistoires".
Rejoignez-nous pour Amplifier les voix et les histoires des Noirs et célébrez le Moisde l'héritageafricain2021.
Public Dialogue
Register now to participate in our Public Dialogue ONE!, hosted by the New Brunswick African Association (NBAA), Battle of the Arts NB (BOTA-NB) in partnership with Dialogue NB (our key-partner in promoting dialogue in the community).
Taking place TODAY February 5th at 2pm, and will be hosted by Nadine Duguay-Lemay, CEO of Dialogue NB and Fidel Franco, co-founder of Black In The Maritime-podcast (You do not want to miss this session). Be-sure to virtually Tag-A Friend
The theme: "Lived Experiences with Racism".
Taking place virtually via Zoom, and registration is free.
This space is a safe space, perfect time to share testimonies and thoughts, in a conducive atmosphere, of listening, respectful exchanges and empathy, with the rest of the participants.
See Link to Register below
Segregated In Life and Death
Today's African Heritage Month presentations In NB, We are honoured to have Mary Louise McCarthy Brandt (PhD), as she presents virtually on the Topic
"Segregated In Life and Death"
Based on the rich history of Blacks In New Brunswick
Be-Sure to register by sending email to: ftonpub@gnb.ca
Black and Herstory
Black Led Organizations -Communication Workshop
Today from 5:30pm to 7:30pm, join the New Brunswick African Heritage Month activity Black Led Organizations -Communication Workshop. This workshop is open to Black-Led Businesses and organizations (limited spaces available) and is focusing on communication and strategies to advance your initiatives.
The workshop will be led by Florence Gouton, Communication Director and Specialist with Dialogue NB.
The goal is to help amplify Black Owned Initiatives in the province, an allyship we are very excited about.
We are honoured to receive a message from the 27th Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency Michelle Jean, as she extends her well wishes for a successful African Heritage Month Activities and Celebrations in New Brunswick.
We must commit to addressing the systemic nature of anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism In Canada.
Together we want to keep these conversation going, but also seal the gap now.
Thank You Her Excellency / Merci